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知名葛萊美獎得主Nelly Furtado在People美國時人雜誌與大家分享LIFTOFF

產品使她充滿活力 更讓他得到葛萊美獎

February 07, 2007

How Nelly Furtado Is Getting Ready for the Grammys

How does the pop nominee prepare for a Grammy night that includes red carpet close-ups, a high-energy performance and late-night parties? Furtado—along with hairstylist Laini Reeves and makeup artist Colleen Creighton— gave PEOPLE the scoop. Eschewing a nutritionist or personal trainer, Furtado stocks up on fresh fruit, steamed veggies and water two weeks before the show and tones by rehearsing for her upcoming "Get Loose" tour. "The dancing is a great all-over body workout," says the singer, who favors Liftoff energy drink(<<點我啦!!)for quick pick-me-ups. Reeves uses Kérastase Nutritive Lait Nutri-Sculpt on Furtado’s hair, since throat-irritating hairspray is usually off-limits: "Her hair responds better with the least amount of product." For the red carpet, Creighton uses softer makeup on the star, like Shu Uemura sheer face powder. At performance time, she adds extra coats of Giorgio Armani mascara. To turn up the glam for afterparties, Creighton dabs MAC Lustreglass lip gloss in Instant Gold on the star’s lips and curls her lashes with a Shu Uemura Eyelash Curler. And most importantly, "I just want to look hot all the time,” says Furtado.

For all the award show gossip, check in with our Red Carpet Confidential blog.

Photo: Giulio Marcocchi/Sipa






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妮莉費塔朵 / 解放

權威網站AMG 4星/Spin雜誌 4星/NME雜誌 8分/Observer雜誌 4星
Blender雜誌 4星/英國The Guardian衛報 4星/Playlouder網站 4星/Dot Music網站 4星

你沒看錯,她就是以“I’m Like a Bird”一曲聲名大噪、拿下葛萊美最佳女歌手的妮莉費塔朵。2006全新大碟【Loose】讓她徹底解放,以熱情的樂風及性感的造型讓人驚呼『Whao, Nelly!』,連賈斯汀都讚譽有加。在英美兩地同時發行的雙單曲“Maneater”與“Promiscuous”,更同步強勢空降英國金榜&全美流行榜冠軍,證明她的轉變已獲樂迷高度肯定!


頗有舞韻合唱團風味的“Maneater”是整張專輯的基調:揉合嘻哈重拍、復古的八○新浪樂風,加上妮莉的性感嗓音詮釋,火紅空降英國金榜No.1蟬連三週;由妮莉與饒舌樂手Attitude合寫、Timbaland獻聲製作的“Promiscuous”,火辣程度更勝碧昂絲,一路跳上iTunes和全美流行榜+數位下載榜No.1;與拉丁天璜璜斯共同搖擺拉丁節奏的“Te Busque”,以及在Pharrel Williams的建議下採用Raggaeton節奏、並首次以葡萄牙文饒舌的“No Hay Igual”,將再延燒今夏拉丁樂潮。抒情的“Say it Right”,讓妮莉以往略帶沙啞的嗓音,轉變為成熟女人的性感聲線。更令人驚喜的當屬Coldplay酷玩樂團主唱Chris Martin量身訂作的“All Good Things (Come to an End)”,可見這張專輯為求音樂完整性所做的努力,也讓【Loose】被視為再度問鼎葛萊美的重量級鉅片!

當所有人都訝異妮莉的轉變時,她自己卻說:「我從小就喜歡聽嘻哈、節奏藍調,但是自己作音樂時卻把它們擺在一邊。直到現在,該將這一面釋放出來了。」2005年關史蒂芬妮橫掃全局;今年全球樂評瞬間解放,權威網站AMG、Spin雜誌、NME雜誌等音樂指標媒體一致盛讚,專輯發行首週更空降全美流行榜冠軍+英國金榜Top 5!他們只聽妮莉費塔朵,你呢?

  1. Afraid feat. Attitude / 害怕
  2. Maneater / 少男殺手UK空降No.1連冠三週
  3. Promiscuous feat. Timbaland / 愛趴 全美流行榜+數位榜No.1/iTunes下載No.1
  4. Glow / 耀眼
  5. Showtime / 好戲上場
  6. No Hay Igual / 不公平
  7. Te Busque feat. Juanes / 就是你 拉丁天璜璜斯Juanes跨刀合唱
  8. Say It Right / 好好說
  9. Do It / 做,就對了
  10. In God’s Hands / 上帝之手
  11. Wait For You / 等你…
  12. Somebody To Love / 誰來愛我
  13. All Good Things (Come to an End) / 好景不常 酷玩樂團Chris Martin量身譜寫

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